Kids "R" the key to teaching responsibility towards animals.
Reflect, Respond, Respect = Rewards
Kids 4 Critters is a program teaching 4th grade students to reflect upon the condition of animals in their community, to respond to the needs of these animals, to treat animals with respect, and to understand and appreciate the great rewards of pet ownership.

We are continually strengthening our program based on feedback from past sessions. As a result, there is now a Teacher's Resources page on this site that contains additional learning resources, including reading comprehension, math practice, and vocabulary (crossword puzzles and word searches).
In order to access these resources, you need to sign up to be a Member of this site. Once you sign up, a site Admin must grant you "teacher access". Once granted you will see the Teacher Resource page available under the Members menu.
We encourage you to sign up and explore the resources. If you have any suggestions for new resources, please let us know!
We encourage you to explore the content of our lessons. You will find videos, interactive resources, games, and other materials designed to help you further explore topics discussed in the program. Tutorials are available to help you:
teach your dogs to be well mannered
aid you in dealing with a lost/found pet
learn how to better communicate with your pet
and more!
If you are interested in getting more involved with the program, please contact us!
Our Mascot

This is Mister Peters, our Kids 4 Critters mascot. Mister Peters is very sweet-natured, loves kids, and was adopted from the Wake County Animal Center (WCAC). He has earned his Good Canine Citizenship award and he often visits the Kids 4 Critters classrooms. Here he wears his mortarboard for the awarding of Kids 4 Critters certificates.
The National Association of Counties (NACo) recognizes innovative county government programs throughout the counties of the United States. NACo granted Wake County Animal Center (WCAC) a 2017 Achievement Award for the program 'Kids 4 Critters: Teaching Responsibility Toward Animals in the category of Children and Youth.
The NCVMA High Five Grant Committee awarded one of the five grants for 2017 to Kids 4 Critters, stating, "The Kids 4 Critters program is notable in their efforts to educate citizens and improve the care of animals in NC. The committee felt Kids 4 Critters best fulfills the criteria, often in a unique manner!"
Kids 4 Critters was again awarded the NCVMA High Five Grant for 2018, to continue to grow the program.
Friends of NCVMA Foundation awarded one of the 11 Grants to Kids 4 Critters in 2020. This aligns with their purpose of educating the public and students as to the science and art of veterinary medicine and to support various animal welfare endeavors.