You're invited to the College of Veterinary Medicine's annual Open House! This is one of the Veterinary School's biggest events and we can't wait to share our school with you!

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When: March 28th, 2020. 9am - 3pm. Make sure you save the date!
Where: NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine campus. 1060 William Moore Drive, Raleigh, 27607. Parking is available on campus.
Who: EVERYONE! Anyone can attend our open house and no registration is required.
Why you should go: This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about veterinary school and all the things that veterinarians can do. You get to interact with staff and students of the veterinary school! There are amazing demonstrations and hands on activities!
What you will find: There are three buildings open for tours and each serves a different and very important purpose.
The Terry Center: This is our emergency and specialty hospital. Dogs and cats who are very sick or who need a specialty veterinarian come here. For example, if a dog has cancer, they can come to the Terry Center to a veterinarian who has extra training in how to treat cancer (this is called our oncology service).
The Research Building: Did you know that on top of treating animals and teaching new veterinary students, our school also does amazing research to help find new ways to help sick animals and people?! In the Research Building you will have a chance to meet scientist and use interactive displays to learn about our research.

CVM Main Building: This is where the magic is! With 35 different stations running through the building you will get to see every nook and cranny of our school! Here are some of the highlights:
-Teddy Bear Clinic: stitch up a teddy bear's wound with our Surgery Club students
-Live Surgical Demonstrations: see a veterinarian in action!
-THE ANATOMY LAB: this is where we learn the foundations of veterinary medicine
-Wildlife, Avian, Aquatic and Zoological Medicine Club (WAAZM): get up close with some neat critters
-Kids 4 Critters: K4C will have a booth, so come find your amazing teachers!
-Large Animal Hospital: see demonstrations with horses and cows!
-Come early! There is a lot to see and it can get crowded in the afternoon.
-Map your experience. Look at the brochure on the CVM Open house website before you come and map out the most important things you want to see! Some demonstrations occur at the same time so make sure you keep and eye on the time!
-The Terry Center can get backed up, I would go there early in the morning before the crowd.
-Bring some money for milking a cow, ice cream, and food trucks. There are also tee shirts for sale. The money for tee shirts goes to help our clubs!
I can't wait to see you there!
For more information visit the NCSU website: